Thursday, February 17, 2011

Michael Cone (aka DJ Cone)
is currently a high school teacher
 in Carrollton, TX and has vast
experience in working with
school administrators. 
He also has 20 years of experience
working with teenagers through the
 Young Life outreach ministry.
DJ Cone has spent years
 emceeing pep rallies, announcing sporting events,
mixing music for dance teams & cheerleaders,
hosting the school talent show &
working as a DJ at school &
community events.
DJ Cone grew up in the 70’s,
went to high school in the late 80’s,
college in the early 90’s and
has worked with teens since high school. 
 He has personal experience with
all genres of music over the last 30 years.
He is ideal to work with any audience from any generation
is edited for school use &
DJ Cone has previewed  EACH song
prior to your event
100% Client


DJ Cone uses high quality QSC KW122 speakers and sub woofers


Don’t trust your event and special day to the lowest bidder.

The price you pay for a quality DJ is not just the amount of time they spend at your event.  A quality DJ has spent the time to listen to each song and know if it is appropriate in both lyrics and theme for your event.
As well, a quality DJ has spent time and money acquiring quality equipment that is guaranteed not to fail in the middle of your special day.
DJ Cone has spent the time acquiring the equipment and music library necessary to be a quality DJ.  Serving for years in his job as a teacher and youth leader not only assists him in being in tune with what the audience wants to hear but also knowing what songs are appropriate for your event.
DJ Cone is not the lowest priced DJ but can generally match or beat the price of other quality, experienced DJs since this is not his full time job.
For pricing information specific to your event please contact DJ Cone directly.


For great variety and school-appropriate music, Michael Cone is a GREAT choice for a DJ!

Suzanne Reese
Creekview High School Student Council Advisor

I used Michael for both of my daughters’ Sweet Sixteen parties and LOVED him! He knows all the current music, he is fun and the students love him.  Plus as a mom I appreciated that he only played appropriate music.  

Ann Warren
Carrollton, TX

Michael Cone was an awesome DJ for my wedding! He played ONLY the music my wife and I wanted. He had us make a list of songs we absolutely wanted him to play AND a list of songs we absolutely don’t want played. He was very flexible and took direction very well. He was very professional and I would recommend him to anyone looking.

Pierre Barboza
Frisco, TX